Short film written and directed by Thiago Gomes | An adaptation of the homonymous play of Marcos Barbosa | Production: Kalik Productions | Co-Production: Uzon movies | Financial Support: Culture Fund of the State of Bahia through the premium for Short film Production Support 2009 - IRDEB / Secult (Broadcasting Institute of Bahia / Secretary of Culture)
About City of Miracles ...
Milagres(Miracles), town where we filmed Braseiro , was the scene of the movie Antônio das Mortes (Dragon of Evil Against the Holy Warrior, title in portuguese), by Glauber Rocha, among many other films that were shot in town - The Rifles, directing by Ruy Guerra ,Central of Brazil, directing by Walter Salles - and how we saw this cinematography story is part of the imagination of a generation, we hear testimonies with memories of filming. It was beautiful to see and hear, a people proud to be part of brazilian movie history ... more about this history you can see in, only in portuguese, but under here you can see a part already translated:
"... Considered the "discoverer "of the city, Nelson Pereira dos Santos was the first filmmaker to shoot in Miracles, with the series Rio-Bahia, in 1958. After him, also Ruy Guerra, Glauber Rocha, Aurélio Teixeira, Fernando Belens, and Walter Salles. Some of the scenes in Central do Brasil were made in the streets of colorful houses with huge mountains in the background, which form the rocky landscape and natural scenery of Miracles.
Actress Odette Lara, who worked on "The Dragon of Evil Against the Holy Warrior," Glauber Rocha, remember the pranks in 1960 during the making of the film. "The team bought birds of the inhabitants of Miracles to bring to Rio de Janeiro. One the night, I let loose all the birds. The next day, in the morning was terrible. They wanted to get the guy who did it and I was quiet. Many years later, when I told this story in one of my books", says the actress.
Not only are the actors who keep good memories. Most residents of Miracles been extra in a movie. Dionisio Mendes, a retired farmer, is proud to have worked on four productions and did not forget the help they received from the staff of Antônio das Mortes ( "The Dragon of Evil Against Holy Warrior")"... Read the full story
Partners of creation ... the assistant directors.
In the photo: Paulo Fernandes, olhando o set de filmagem
In the photo: Valter Bruno, improvising how clapperboard's man
I had as assistant directors Paulo Fernandes e Valter Bruno, partners from various works from the college days, and theater director Fernanda Julia, friend who i kidnapped briefly and i made she dive into the cinema.
They three were of paramount importance in both pre and during production, was how if i had more arms, the dialogue was important to them, all focused on telling that story the best, knew the project origin and knew i wanted of the film and how important it was for me to do it. Paulo Fernandes is a Uzon Movies partner , our co-producer on this project, Valter Bruno directed the short film Romero and Fernanda Julia directed the plays Ogun-God and Man and Shire Oba- Feast of the King.
Save, save the Producers!
They are the first in the film set and the last to out, are those who are in the office looking for solutions to yield one little more money and those who go to war, to take care of the house, the producers, which would be a movie without these guys? They enable the existence of a project, balancing the resources and then run to achieve the dream of the artist, the army going ahead and behind, protecting all, "tip by arrow".
The Art of the largest producers and their merit is to facilitate ideas, make them happen, put the creator with his feet planted on the ground, but give you the foundation to reach the end ... Hail, hail the Producers! ... It could not fail to mention here all the production team: Susan Kalik, Gabriela Rocha, Francisco Xavier, Mariana Passos and Jambo, thanks so much.
Great cast!
Working with great actors is always better. And in this film i made a point of working with first team actors of, these actors are in my imagination for years ... Two of them had done the same characters in the theater - in 2004 there was a beautiful play, by Felipe Assis, in Salvador - had made the other personage, but the film assumes a new character, then, they were already in love with the movie, was just to make others fall in love and ready, it was just making the film...
Working with great actors is always better. And in this film i made a point of working with first team actors of, these actors are in my imagination for years ... Two of them had done the same characters in the theater - in 2004 there was a beautiful play, by Felipe Assis, in Salvador - had made the other personage, but the film assumes a new character, then, they were already in love with the movie, was just to make others fall in love and ready, it was just making the film...
Ícaro Vila Nova and Bruno de Sousa, talented young people who took up the challenge, put his shirts and made use. Dedicated professionals, real promises.
Evelin Buchegger: one of the most talented actresses I know, this is unânime.Trabalhei with her in the film The Man Who Does Not Sleep and it was during filming that I made the invitation. A pleasure to work with Evelin, a actress with a face strong and charisma unique.
Sergio Telles: in 2004 Sergio was interpreting the boy at the play, the film would not allow him to do this character, but I developed a character and i gave him a present, and he was great in Ze Seco personage.
Neyde Moura Rui Manthur and figured in my imagination since 2004 when I watched the play. And even when the project was just an idea, they were cast. Riveting.
Brazier also has cast Gil Teixeira, Luiz Guimarães, Francisco Xavier and Mariana Damázio, first team actors of, who leave their mark each one in the movie.
Brazier also has cast Gil Teixeira, Luiz Guimarães, Francisco Xavier and Mariana Damázio, first team actors of, who leave their mark each one in the movie.
Was sound!
In the picture: Nicolas Hallet (direct sound) and Dedeco Macedo (camera)
What say about Nicolas? The work with Nicolas Hallet is always a pleasure. Without one a doubt the best professionals in the market, Nicolas has the great advantage to his artistic sensibility, far beyond the technical, Nicolas understand the movie sound as a whole, with a special heard and look. A film enthusiast, always renewing itself ...
Art that plays hard!
In the pictured: Marie Thauront working in the makeup of the actor Sergio Telles
Speaking of team, I can only remember the art direction. If you have a team that plays hard is the art team in this film, low budget and therefore a super short time before, they did a miracle in Miracles (I swear I tried to avoid that joke...).. . And it was because of the baton of Renata Mota and Rodrigo Frota that the art of film was different, was much talk, brainstorm a lot and they went beyond what I imagined ...
In the Pictured: Neyde Moura on the scene, costume design was Diana Moreira
For me, the director chooses his team and his main role is to guide, because for they many times still looks like a cloudy, the possibilities are there, and they are numerous. The director "briefed" the creative team put the cards - they have habilitation for this - on the table (after all, he don't know more than art, costume, photography, production, or the quality of sound than they, because they are experts), this team makes the rhythm method, one goes to the another part the river, another goes out there push the boat, the rescue we all do. We won all!
Some directors conceived the film from start to finish, plan to plan, frame by frame, I conceive an idea, and this group helps me to form, just that I'm the spark that releases and directs, what you choose (I say yes or no ), but there will always be another and I believe in the transformation with multiple looks, helping to transform the good at best to be done, and I'm open to that, the film concerns the end result is a consequence of the communion of the team ... Brazier so!
Who is Marcos Barbosa?
Marcos Barbosa is the author of the theatrical text Brazier, giving rise to the film. It was a great partner during the gestation of the script and the project. Mark is now one of the most talented theater Brazilian authors of his generation.
About the author:
"Born in Fortaleza, Ceará (1977), Marcos Barbosa graduated in dramaturgy from Instituto Dragão do Mar Art and Industry of Ceará in 2000. Among the plays developed by Barbosa during his training at the College of Drama are" The Bells " (Author's Award Office, 1997) and "Brazier" (Award Lourdes Ramalho, 2000).
Based in Salvador, Bahia, Marcos Barbosa, since 2005, professor of Theater Theory at the UFBA... " Read more about Marcos
Team Photo ...
In Photo: Filipe Barreira (gaffer / camera), and Agnes Cajaiba (Assist. Photography) e Dedeco Macedo
In the foto: Jero Soffer (Dir. of Photography) and Dedeco Macedo (camera)
In Photo: Thiago Gomes (right), Jero Soffer (center)
I decided in Brazier working with the cinematographer Jero Soffer ,we had worked together at Romero short film, watching him work as assistant photographer, who i decided to invite him to be a partner in this endeavor. And for Brazier, Jerome took a team, as he, a sensitive and in love. I remember Edgard Navarro when consulted about selecting Jero and he excited, said something like, 'Yes! Yes! It's a generational thing, his generation must join '... I just have to thank Dedeco Macedo, Agnes Cajaiba, Filipe Barreira and Daniel (Preto), friends in this challenge, with me and Jero ...